So this week's theme is top graphic novels, whether you've read them, want to read them, or they are in fact picture books. You may already know that I do read and enjoy graphic novels but not very many of them. Or least not enough to have a top ten favourites list. So I'm going to do things a little differently and split them into sections. Comic nerds will know immediately where I'm going with this.
Number one: Marvel.
I think I mostly prefer Marvel; I like the heroes, I like the movies, I like the storylines, and it started, at least in graphic novel form, with the Avengers. I read Civil War and Age of Ultron before the movies came out and really liked them. It was interesting to see the world in a different format and see how the books differed from the movies, especially in terms of character arcs. These were good but not my favourite.

And then there's Captain Marvel. A recent addition to my knowledge of Marvel lore but a completely welcome one. Let's face it, any female superhero and I'm going to like her, and Captain Marvel was slick, funny, smart and flying around in space! What's not to love? I've read the first three volumes of her new series.

Number two: DC.
A.k.a the continual love affair I have with Harley Quinn. Admittedly, this is a recent love, it started with the new Suicide Squad film, but since then I've read the first 8 issues of her new DC Rebirth solo series, the first volume of her New 52 series and I've got the Suicide Squad New 52 volume one to read as well. I am fascinated by her and her tragically romantic back story with the Joker and want to read everything I can about her. Not to mention she was incredibly funny and basically a female DC version of Deadpool with her wise-cracks and sex jokes.

This is where the art, the stories and the diverse characters come into play. I read Anya's Ghost for the title but loved the black and white art; picked up Nimona because of the author and fell in love with the story (the twist on villains and heroes was amazing!) and also read the Lumberjanes because of Noelle Stevenson. But I think my favourite is The Wicked and the Divine. I've only read the first two volumes but the insane variety of characters, the brilliant story and beautiful drawings and colours are just incredible.
I like all of these graphic novels and more for a lot of different reasons, I couldn't possibly pick any favourites outright, not even a top ten. let me know if you've read any of these or if they are any graphic novels I should read.