This was a surprisingly difficult topic; it turns out that there are even less good fathers than there is good mothers in the books I read! I did find a few great examples and this list will not be any particular order.

My first choice is a twofer, as they are in the same book. First, Moritz's adopted father is incredible because he rescued a little boy with weird abilities and a broken heart from his awful mother. Second, the doctor acts not only as healer for Ollie but also friend and only link to the outside world. They are both men who did not father these boys but look after them as if they had.
2 - Dad in One Italian Summer
Even though he's recently died, the girls' father is still such a huge part of their family, especially on their first family holiday to Italy since he passed.
3 - Art in Fangirl
Single parenting twin girls through their mother leaving and then puberty can be no easy feat. But Art manages it. Although there are times when the girls seem to be doing most of the looking after, they are a tight knit family.
4 - Tom in The Last Beginning
I talked about Jen parenting Clove when Katherine and Matthew are off being stuck in time or prison or whatever, and the same stands for Tom, Matthew's brother. He really steps up for the family and Clove, and is a great dad full of good advice and programming skills.

5 - Mr Bennet in Pride and Prejudice
He might not say much but Mr Bennet is the strong structure at the heart of his family, staying calm in the face of his wife's hysterics and his daughters' drama.
6 - Arthur Weasley in Harry Potter
I can't not mention Mr Weasley! Not only is he a great dad to his huge family but also to Harry, and even Hermione and the rest of the Order. He does good work and is passionate about his job and about doing good with the Order.
7 - Hans Hubermann in The Book Thief

8 - Aaron in Trouble
This adorable lad is willing to say he is Hannah's baby daddy, to help her and save her face from admitting who the baby really belongs to.
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